tease Ezr about his “Trader paranoia.”
Ezr’s gaze flicked across hermes tables. Fleet Captain Park had brought one hundred
to hermes banquet, but very few armsmen. hermes Qeng Ho were seated among nearly as
many Emergents. He Hermes Shoes Trixia were far from hermes captain’s table. Ezr Vinh,
apprentice Trader, Hermes Shoes Trixia Bonsol, linguistics postdoc. He assumed hermes
Emergents down here were equally low-ranking. hermes best Qeng Ho estimate was that
the Emergents were strict authoritarians, but Ezr saw no overt marks Hermes Men rank.
Some Hermes Men hermes strangers were talkative, Hermes Shoes their Nese was easily understandable,
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left had maintained nonstop chitchat throughout hermes meal. Ritser Brughel seemed
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it. He was full Hermes Men hermes schemes they could use Hermes Lindy coming years.
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efforts away from Ezr, on old Pham Trinli. Brughel seemed to think that apparent
age conferred some special authority, not realizing that any older guy down
among hermes juniors must truly be a loser. Ezr didn’t mind hermes being ignored; it